Conformers and conformational fingerprints#
Most molecular fingerprints operate on topological molecular graph. It is a “flat” structure, i.e. only takes into consideration atoms and bonds, without any spatial structure. Conformers are 3D structures that approximate the configuration of atoms in space, optimizing for stability and physical feasibility. While this is hard and not always possible, we can get more information this way.
With scikit-fingerprints, generating conformers is very easy with ConformerGenerator
class (docs). It uses ETKDGv3 algorithm, which is a method based on distance geometry, stochastic optimization, and experimental information. It has relatively good speed and performance, and our implementation provides reasonable
defaults for its parameters.
requires Mol
objects as inputs, and outputs new PropertyMol
objects with conformer information attached. Selected conformer identifier is saved in conf_id
property. All hydrogens are also explicitly added, as it’s required for proper conformer generation. No in-place changes are made for safety.
Let’s generate conformers for molecules from beta-secretase 1 (BACE) dataset from MoleculeNet benchmark. Due to computational cost, using n_jobs=-1
is highly encouraged.
from skfp.datasets.moleculenet import load_bace
from skfp.preprocessing import ConformerGenerator, MolFromSmilesTransformer
smiles_list, y = load_bace()
mol_from_smiles = MolFromSmilesTransformer()
mols = mol_from_smiles.transform(smiles_list)
conf_gen = ConformerGenerator(n_jobs=-1)
mols = conf_gen.transform(mols)
Let’s visualize an example molecule and its conformer, using Py3DMol.
Since returned molecules are regular RDKit Mol
objects, they are fully interoperable with any other frameworks. scikit-fingerprints brings convenience and speed of multiprocessing.
!pip install --quiet py3Dmol
conf_id | 0 |
import py3Dmol
from rdkit.Chem import MolToMolBlock
view = py3Dmol.view(
data=MolToMolBlock(mols[0]), style={"stick": {}, "sphere": {"scale": 0.3}}
3Dmol.js failed to load for some reason. Please check your browser console for error messages.
<py3Dmol.view at 0x735540944850>
Conformational fingerprints#
Many fingerprints utilize the 3-dimensional structure of conformers. Many of them come calculate features from distributions of interatomic distances, e.g. AutocorrFingerprint, MORSEFingerprint and RDFFingerprint. Others work differently, e.g. E3FPFingerprint uses extension of ECFP fingerprint to 3D “balls” around atoms, summarizing their circular, spatial neighborhoods. Many of those fingerprints are very cheap to compute, just the conformer generation is expensive. Only E3FP has a visibly larger cost.
Let’s use a few of them on generated conformers. We will also use pipelines, which you can read more about in tutorial 3.
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from skfp.fingerprints import (
from skfp.model_selection import scaffold_train_test_split
mols_train, mols_test, y_train, y_test = scaffold_train_test_split(
mols, y, test_size=0.2
for fp_name, fp_obj in [
("Autocorrelation", AutocorrFingerprint(use_3D=True)),
("E3FP", E3FPFingerprint(n_jobs=-1)),
("MoRSE", MORSEFingerprint()),
("RDF", RDFFingerprint()),
pipeline = make_pipeline(
), y_train)
y_pred = pipeline.predict_proba(mols_test)[:, 1]
auroc = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred)
print(f"AUROC: {auroc:.2%}")
AUROC: 67.75%
AUROC: 76.20%
AUROC: 69.41%
AUROC: 68.65%
Parameters for conformer generation#
Generating conformers with ConformerGenerator
is easy with default parameters, which are designed as a reasonable tradeoff between quality, speed, and reliability. They are:
Generate 1 conformer per molecule
Max 1000 attempts to generate per molecule
No force field optimization
In case of optimization failure, as a fallback we try 10x as many iterations and randomized initial coordinates, as it often helps with harder molecules. As a last resort, we also remove enforcing chirality and ignore smoothing failures. If this fails, error is raised by default.
For higher quality, but also at considerably higher computational cost, we can generate more conformers and select the one with the lowest energy (most stable one), and also enable force field optimization like UFF or MMFF94.
Let’s compare those two options, and also measure the time and classification quality of resulting algorithms. The quality is not necessarily always much higher, but it may be useful if the base case already performs well for a given use case.
from time import time
start = time()
pipeline_default = make_pipeline(
), y_train)
end = time()
y_pred_default = pipeline_default.predict_proba(mols_test)[:, 1]
auroc_default = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred_default)
print(f"Default time: {end - start:.2f}")
print(f"AUROC default: {auroc_default:.2%}")
start = time()
pipeline_optimized = make_pipeline(
ConformerGenerator(num_conformers=3, optimize_force_field="UFF", n_jobs=-1),
), y_train)
end = time()
y_pred_optimized = pipeline_optimized.predict_proba(mols_test)[:, 1]
auroc_optimized = roc_auc_score(y_test, y_pred_optimized)
print(f"Quality-optimized time: {end - start:.2f}")
print(f"AUROC optimized: {auroc_optimized:.2%}")
Default time: 12.41
AUROC default: 76.20%
Quality-optimized time: 44.14
AUROC optimized: 78.69%